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  • Introduction to the E-spectator Digital Tool for Analysis of Performing Arts

    The Performing Arts’ aesthetic and poetry can be sometimes destabilising at first glance and difficult to analyse because it is ephemeral by nature. The E-Spectator tool enables annotation of videos to better analyse and understand the performing arts. This course from dariahTeach introduces learners to the E-Spectator tool, with practical examples and quizzes to guide you along.
    • Elodie Chazalon
    • Cécile Chantraine Braillon
    • Fatiha Idmhand
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  • Text Analysis - Linguistics Meets Data Science

    What are the differences between a data scientist and a corpus linguist? This course provides an overview of the different perspectives on language and different types of tools that can be used for text analytics. It also introduces topic modelling and sentiment analysis as approaches to textual data.
  • Digital Historical Research on European Historical Newspaper with NewsEye Platform

    Since their beginnings in the 17th century, newspapers have recorded billions of events, stories and personal names in almost every language and every country daily. This course from DariahTeach provides an introduction to digitised historical newspaper analysis, incorporating methods of Natural Language Processing for discovering, exploiting and visualising newspapers.
    • Axel Jean Caurant
    • Antoine Doucet
    • Nicolas Sidère
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  • Ethical, Societal and Legal Complexities of Artificial Intelligence

    This tutorial provides interdisciplinary insight into the challenges stemming from the rapid development in and implementation of Artificial Intelligence. Learners will be equipped with a broader understanding of the philosophical issues surrounding AI as well as current real-world examples which are developing our relationship to AI and its growth.
  • Data Analysis with Python

    This course from dariahTeach introduces learners to the theoretical and practical foundations of an analysis of socio-cultural objects using Python through theoretical grounding and hands-on case studies. Students will work through several research use cases using basic machine learning, and employ network analysis to split a small community network into groups and clusters before finally learning more about visualisation and image analysis.
    • Zarah van Hout
    • Tobias Blanke
    • Giovanni Colavizza
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  • Introduction to Programming for NLP with Python

    The aim of this virtual course is to offer basic knowledge and skills in programming in Python. Target audiences are undergraduate and graduate students in the Humanities and Social Sciences who want to acquire hands-on knowledge and skills in working with textual data or quantitative data in language and humanities research.
  • Word Embeddings

    Natural language processing is one of the most powerful concepts in modern linguistics and computer science, bridging the understanding of language from human to machine, and in turn programming machines so they can perform complex linguistic tasks on their own. This short video introduces learners to the key concepts of word embeddings and how they can be used in digital humanities projects.
  • The Learning Curve in Sharing Data with the EHRI Project

    A partnership between Kazerne Dossin and EHRI was established to enable sharing of metadata with a broader audience. This partnership resulted in changes to the practices of cataloguing archival materials within Kazerne Dossin. Using the example of the Lewkowicz family collection, this article focuses on the revolution Kazerne Dossin went through while standardising descriptions, and on the tools EHRI provided to optimise the workflow for collection holding institutes.
    • Dorien Styven
    • Marius Caragea
    • Veerle Vanden Daelen
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  • From Digital Culture to Digital Heritage

    With the evolution of the digital world, the term ‘digital culture’ has emerged. How does digital culture tie into the idea of heritage, and how does digital heritage emerge? This video lecture discusses the meaning of 'culture' in a historical and digital context, offering an introduction to 'digital culture' and how this is intertwined with digital heritage.
  • Using Spatial Data in Tableau

    Tableau is a powerful digital tool for analysing data that can help with mapping and interrogating data. In this short guide we will focus on an aspect of data analysis using mapping that has particular application for Holocaust and refugee studies.
  • Use of vocabularies for metadata curation and quality assessment in Social Sciences and Humanities

    This event, organised in the framework of the TRIPLE project, provided insights into the use of “topical vocabularies” and their use in metadata curation and quality assessment in the Social Sciences and Humanities (in the EOSC context). The sessions introduces learners to have a better understanding of the interoperability challenges faced within/by the SSH branch of the EOSC, and be familiar with some initiatives related to metadata curation and enrichment in the SSH.
  • Entity Matching

    EHRI (European Holocaust Research Infrastructure) supports the use of digital tools that can assist in the research of Holocaust and refugee related topics. In a continued effort to make these tools as accessible as possible so that researchers who have no experience with digital tools will consider trying new ways of using their data, this GitHub-based lesson showcases the use of entity match tools when dealing with geographic data.